We Made It

Tuesday was the last day of school for the 2015-2016 school year. For the un-initiated, my kids attend public school and are not immoral hooligans and this is not a form of child abuse. Ahem.

We’ve been slack when it comes to “teacher gifts” in the past, which, as a family where the parent is a teacher is pretty bad. This year though, we’ve been so incredibly grateful for every part of our experience, it seemed downright sinful not to give end of the year gifts in appreciation. I considered giving each teacher a single flower with a note. Jeff and Joseph, were light years ahead of me. Joseph saw our potted plants and announced to Jeff that we should definitely give each teacher a plant. A plant, in most cases, will certainly last longer than a single cut flower. comes in a re-usable planter AND bonus, we already had them so they were free.

Teacher appreciation

So, Monday morning I drove the boys to school with their plants and I took Shelby’s. We delivered all three plants to absolutely delighted teachers. I had written on the planters, “Thanks for helping me bloom” and then each child wrote their name (yes, even Shelby).

Tuesday afternoon the kids came home. Jeff has this boffo tradition of blasting Alice Cooper’s School’s Out for the last day of school (nevermind that it’s kind of cliche and that he still has to report in for five additional days). The boys were not impressed.

The last two days of school were cleaning days in Joseph’s classroom (his teacher will be in a new room next year as she moves to teach kindergarten). William’s teacher had board and card games on Monday and Tuesday was rated G movies (but no Disney, Pixar or Dreamworks…something about it being a school-wide ban?).

And just to make life fun, Tuesday morning we had a tropical storm come ashore.


In case you were wondering how that turned out…

We finished our first school year in our new home and we are so happy how things turned out. Nothing was perfect all the time, but it was amazing nonetheless! Now onto summer!