7 Quick Takes Friday

1. So, I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with Twitter. I loved to hate it. Not anymore. Now I love it and love to love it. I guess that’s a l0ve-love relationship? I logged in to my deactivated account this week out of sheer boredom and then I started following friends. And celebrities. And NEWS OUTLETS. That last one is in all caps because that is where it got SUPER addicting. Michelle Malkin and Our Sunday Visitor in seconds. I was in! Even better, I followed the voting of the USCCB and was on the edge of my seat the whole time!

2. For those who missed it yesterday, Joey has started hard core potty training. Let me paint you the picture. Wednesday, we had just arrived home from school and the boys had gone into their room to play. That’s usually a harmless event. Until they both came out five minutes later completely naked! I informed Joey at that point his days of refusing potty training were over. At first I tried with big boy underwear but we had an accident almost immediately. At the suggestion of friends I let him go completely naked and on his own, within an hour, he had peed on the potty. After several successful trips to the potty last evening, he managed to stay dry all night. I couldn’t believe it. We’ve had some accidents since, mostly involving going #2, but he’s persevering and that’s what’s important!

3. Maybe you’ve seen this article on Twitter or facebook. What these people are doing is not only immoral and disgusting, it’s just plain bad form. And I vote they have this baby and be forced to give it up for adoption to people who are clearly more capable of loving and caring for it than it’s birth parents have proven to be.

4. Did you see The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond on Throw Down with Bobby Flay making Thanksgiving Dinner??? I missed it (thanks to a thunderstorm that took out my satellite), but I am sure going to get it in a re-run. I love how Bobby Flay finds these people and has such a great competition with them. I admit, I haven’t always been a fan of his and was embarrassed at how he behaved when he defeated Iron Chef Morimoto, but I think he’s come a long way and has me as a fan now to prove it!

5. Have you heard, have you heard???? The “Beguiles” family has moved into their new RAT-FREE home and got their new couch courtesy of YOU and ME the readers of Betty Beguiles! I have a lump in my throat just looking at that couch and this is one family that deserves a beautiful holiday season in a new home!

6. I’m going to go on record here with what may be the MOST controversial thing I could EVER say on a blog about being a mother…I was not at all impressed with Toy Story 3. For all the hype, I was disappointed. I did cry at the end. I did cry at the beginning when they mentioned Bo was no longer a part of the group. I was incredibly let down by the story line involving Lotsa and the other toys at the daycare. It scared my kids. I felt like the movie would have been just as good if the kids at the daycare were terrible and that was what they were escaping….I’m just saying…

7. Can I tell you how awesome it is our dishwasher works again??? I don’t think I could ever say that enough!

So, c’mon over to Conversion Diary and check out the other Quick Takes there!

2 thoughts on “7 Quick Takes Friday

  1. I agree about Toy Story 3. The plot line with Lotso was much more intense than I would have expected. Gabe was also scared by him (and the monkey banging symbols.) Though I did enjoy the barbie/ken plot line… that was really funny.

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